Top-Glas Eco and Eco Plus
Comfort in winter due to excellent heat insulation
Heat protection is the basic task of combined panes used in windows. Because of cooperation with suppliers, which has yielded the development of a new coating applied to float glass with lower emissivity, PRESS GLASS offers panes with a still lower coefficient of heat penetration than previously, at the level of Ug= 0.5 W/m2K. It is a value similar to the coefficient of heat penetration of a wall. The feeling of cold near windows is now a thing of the past.
Comfort in summer because of the excellent protection against heating
During the summer the sun emits an enormous quantity of heat energy, in comparison to winter. Then the phenomenon of overheated interiors is noticed, caused primarily by the penetration of energy through the windowpanes. The degree to which panes protect rooms against summer heating is expressed in coefficient g (the lower the value the better).
Top-Glas Eco and Eco Plus have been designed to maximally reduce the overheating effect. The Top-Glas Eco Plus pane is characterised by the excellent value g=37%, which until now has only been achieved by specialist anti-sun panes, applied in the facades of office buildings. Today technology reserved for facades may be welcomed in all homes. Everyone may improve the heat comfort of his or her flat and limit the operating cost of mechanical air-conditioning, and it should be remembered that the costs of cooling rooms are higher than the costs of heating them.
The combination of a protective single cell Top-Glas Eco is composed of two panes, of which one is a pane of Thermofloat 1.0EN 673 type, with an invisible noble metal combination layer (so-called low emission coating). In the Top-Glas Eco Plus combination two Thermofloat 1.0EN 673 type panes are applied. The spaces between the panes are filled wit argon gas, which additionally lowers the coefficient of heat penetration Ug. Heat escape is prevented by warm, stainless steel, bent corners frames with excellent mechanical properties, sealed in the circuit with a two-step plastic mass.
Basic technical data
Type of glass | Structure T – Thermofloat [mm] |
Total energy transmission g [%] |
UgCoefficient of heat penetration* Ug [W/m2K] |
Width [mm] |
Top-Glas Eco | 4/16/4T 1,0 EN673 with Argon |
53 | 1,0 | 24 |
Top-Glas | 4/16/4T with Argon |
63 | 1,1 | 24 |
Top-Glas Eco Plus | 4T1,0 EN673/16/4/16/4T1,0 EN673 with Argon |
37 | 0,5 | 44 |
Top-Glas Plus | 4T/16/4/16/4T with Argon |
50 | 0,6 | 44 |
*Information drawn up on the basis of EN 673 requirements
Excellent price
Until now combined panes with a very low coefficient of heat penetration were obtained from the application of krypton in between pane cells. The comparison of the cost of this gas with the heat benefits obtained from its use, indicate the lack of profitability of its application.
Currently due to the development of new lower mission coatings, one may offer combined panes with a still lower coefficient of heat penetration than till now and, at an excellent price, with the use of argon and distance frames with a width of 16mm.
Endurance for many years according to Standard EN 1279
The basic criterion considered in the evaluation of combined panes is tightness preventing penetration of moisture to the interior of the panes and loss of gas. In order to ensure these parameters according to the prevailing Standard EN 1279, the distance frames around the outline of the pane should be bent at the corners.
Excellent heat insulation at the edges of panes
In Top-Glas Eco and Eco Plus panes, bent corners of the so-called ”warm edge” are applied according to Standard EN ISO 10077, executed from stainless steel. The application of ”warm edge” improves thermal insulation at the edges, which causes an increase of temperatures of panes in this area and reduces the risk of the occurrence of temporary water vapour condensation there.
Basic technical information
Type of spacer |
Thickness of wall [mm] |
Value ? (dix?i) according to project EN ISO 10077 |
Stainless steel | 0,17 | 0,0058 |
Aluminium | 0,35 | 0,1120 |

Pane with aluminium frame

Pane with ”warm frame”
Ecological production
All the production stages of Top-Glas Eco and Top-Glas Eco Plus combined panes have been assessed with regard to affect on the natural environment. Only the most environmentally friendly materials and production processes are permitted for the production of Top-Glas Eco and Eco Plus panes, according to the requirements of the International Standard ISO 14001, implemented in all the PRESS GLASS plants. Together with the application of the ISO 9001 management system, they ensure continual improvement in preventing the possibility of pollution. Due to this PRESS GLASS offers a better product and contributes to the shaping of a friendly environment for everyone.
Benefits summary:
- still greater financial benefits and excellent elimination of the chill effect near to a window, through further reduction of the heat penetration coefficient even down to 0.5 W/m2K;
- excellent limitation of overheating of rooms in summer, due to the reduction of the efficient of total solar energy permeability down to as low as 37%;
- excellent sealing, through application of bent frame technology in the corners;
- limitation of occurrence of expansion on internal edge of frame, with the use of stainless steel warm frame;
- protection of the natural environment during production according to the ISO 14001 system and during use through the reduction of the emission of harmful gases to the atmosphere and use of natural raw materials.