High quality of structural glazing is recognized
Periodic inspections were conducted at the Press-Glas SA plant in order to verify the quality of structural glass.

New documentation regarding hardened glass
You can now download information on preliminary type testing of ESG tempered glass and TVG semi-tempered glass manufactured by Press-Glas at their plant in Tychy.

The Top 2000 Polish Enterprises
In a further edition of the list that includes the largest enterprises in Poland which was emitted by the daily newspaper "Rzeczpospolita" on the basis of data taken in 2005, Press-Glas confirmed its position among the group of the most significant enterprises in Poland.

ISO 9001 Certification for our factory i Tychy
From the moment production was commenced in Tychy in 2003, double glazing glass has been produced according to the requirements of the norms set out in ISO 9001. From now on this is certified by an official document.

Golf contest Press-Glas Cup 2006
On the 10-11 June the Press-Glas Cup 2006 took place on “the Rosa Golf Course’’ in Konopiska, near Czestochowa

Stopray glass with a high performance toughtenable coating
Better conditions of order realizations for Stopray glass type, thanks to new toughtenable high selective coatings. Press-Glas offers Stopray Grey 36/27 T i Stopray Green 60/32 T glass.

Certificate for factory in Tczew
North division of Press-Glas has been accepted by the BM TRADA registration Ltd in scope of production insulating glass units regarding BS EN 1279 standard.

Largest suppliers of materials in the window construction market in 2005
In May the most popular magazine in the branch of windows and doors producers -“Forum Branzowe” presents the rank for 2005 year.

Solar control glass Sunstop T
The new SILVERSTAR SUNSTOP T range of products has four different types of shading glass that are creating new degrees of planning freedom for summer heat insulation.

Pictures from BUDMA fair
Let see some fotos from Press-Glas stand during BUDMA Fair in Poland.