Investment in solar power pays off
Did you know that our solar power plant during 8 months (from…
Electric car joins our fleet in Croatia
We have enriched our fleet of company cars by purchasing the…
The new edition of the PRESS GLASS Company Standard
The new edition of the PRESS GLASS Company Standard is now available…
All Polish PRESS GLASS plants are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified
We would like to inform you that our plant in Miętno (Poland)…
Press Glass together with Guardian Glass supports the construction of a home for the families of children staying at the Paediatric Hospital of the Medical University of Warsaw
Press Glass together with Guardian Glass, one of its global glass…
We have launched the educational campaign “Stay healthy and safe at work” in our factories
On the 3rd of April 2020 we have launched the educational campaign…
We produced the first insulated glass in our new plant in Ridgeway
We are continuing operations and our new investment in Ridgeway…
We have introduced “Code of Conduct” to our company
It is worth to remember about values not only on special occasions.
Innovative 3D GLASS
PRESS GLASS Group presents a reference project for construction…
New plant in Ridgeway with fully operational tempering line
The 14th of February 2020 was a milestone for our new plant in…
Sport and Support: Summary of the Campaign for 2019
We have another annual record for the campaign – nearly PLN…
Royal Papworth Hospital – a new project in Cambridge
Over 100 years of history of the Royal Papworth Hospital (Cambridge,…
Retro Office House was awarded in Beautiful Wrocław 2019 competition
We are happy that buildings, to which we provide our products,…
„Corriamo e supportiamo” stiamo dando sempre più di noi stessi – riassunto della campagna per l’anno 2018
Il riassunto di tutto l'anno 2018 potrebbe essere definito in…
Grazie per aver visitato il nostro stand durante la fiera BAU 2019!
We have the privilege of inviting you to visit PRESS GLASS display stand no. 119 in hall C2 during the fair BAU 2013 which takes place in Munich 14-19 January 2013.
Siete invitati alla fiera BAU 2019
We have the privilege of inviting you to visit PRESS GLASS display stand no. 119 in hall C2 during the fair BAU 2013 which takes place in Munich 14-19 January 2013.
I 133 vetri acustici nell’offerta di PRESS GLASS
L’offerta di vetri acustici Press Glass è stata ampliata di…
Stiamo costruendo una seconda fabbrica negli Stati Uniti
Il Consiglio d’ Amministrazione della Press Glass Group comunica,…
GLASS DYNAMICS Inc. ha cambiato la sua denominazione in PRESS GLASS, Inc.
PRESS GLASS SA informa che la società controllata GLASS DYNAMICS…
Nuove soluzioni per il comfort acustico
La consapevolezza dell'inquinamento acustico nella società è…
PRESS GLASS tra i vincitori del concorso per le aziende EXPO 2020
È un grande piacere per noi comunicare che la società PRESS…
Doppie vetrate antideflagranti confermate da un certificato di costanza
Instytut Ceramiki i Materiałów Budowlanych (ICiMB) ha rilasciato…
Sawig Office – il complesso di uffici con i vetri curvi
Sawig Office è un moderno complesso di uffici completamente…
L’ampliamento della vetreria Euroglas Polska è stato ufficialmente lanciato
Il 14 marzo 2018 in località Ujazd in Polonia si è svolta la…