The Top 2000 Polish Enterprises
In a further edition of the list that includes the largest enterprises in Poland which was emitted by the daily newspaper "Rzeczpospolita" on the basis of data taken in 2004, Press-Glas confirmed its position among the group of the most significant enterprises in Poland and indeed its position as the leader in the market sector of processing glass for the purpose of construction.

He became the sheriff in the City of Glass
In order to achieve success in business you need to be averagely intelligent, well-educated, work hard and be a little lucky. This is the recipe for success for the owner of Press-Glas. We invite you to examine the details of the interview which was run with the owner of Press-Glas by Mr. Jaroslaw Sobkowski from the journal entitled “Puls Biznesu”.

ISO 9001 certification for our factory in Tczew
From the moment production was commenced in Tczew in 2004, double glazing glass has been produced according to the requirements of the norms set out in ISO 9001. From now on this is certified by an official document

New group of products – Acoustic double glazed units
We have the pleasure of presenting you with our new offer of sound absorptive glazing glass with a heat co-efficient factor of Rw 34,36,38,39,40,42 and 51 (dBA). All types are certified by IFT Rosenheim Institute in Germany.

Largest suppliers of materials in the construction market
Largest suppliers of materials in the windows construction market by Forum Branzowe Magazine. Please find a list of largest supliers under below hyperlink.

A capitalist right down to the bone
The April edition of the monthly magazine’Swiat Szkla’’(The World of Glass) featured a detailed interview with the owner of Press-Glas company. Its contents fully present the history, the market position and ways of functioning with regard to the company.

Top 500 firms according to Stock Exchange newspaper Parkiet.
According to the data provided by the Stock Exchange newspaper “Parkiet” the largest Polish firms are growing in strength. Press-Glas company is of course among the strongest.

Let’s not be economically ignorant.
The April edition of the monthly magazine’’Forum Branzowe’’ featured an interview with the owner of Pree-Glas company. The beginnings of the firm, the situation on the market between 2004-2005, as well as the future of the market sector are all topics which are referred to in the interview. We invite you to examine the details.

Press-Glas company is looking for reliable workers.
The Tczew production plant of Press-Glas is planning increases in production and employment figures over the coming years.

Budma 2005
Over the days of 25 - 28 January 2005 there was another edition of the Budma International Construction Fair in Poznan, Poland.